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10+ BlogSpot SEO Tips for Every Bloggers

10+ BlogSpot SEO Tips for Every Bloggers

The Most Common Questions About New Bloggers. How to create a blog for free on BlogSpot 2021. Which best practices will be considered SEO to improve rank on search engines.

Here is the best google blog SEO strategy. Learn the secrets of BlogSpot SEO to become a successful expert.

The most common question that newbies ask is “Is BlogSpot good at SEO?” or “Does anyone still use Blogger.” Experts agree that WordPress or BlogSpot is the best.

Blogspot is great for everything. However, spammers and limitations in plugins and tools to optimize search engines are the main reasons that BlogSpot is not popular.

Although we have access to BlogSpot SEO guides via the Internet, there aren’t enough conversations on blogger platforms.

What is Blogger? (SEO Simple)

Blogger is one of the most widely used blogging platforms in the globe. Blogspot is a great blogging platform. This is why people should start a Blogspot blog. Many new users don’t have any SEO experience.

Blog-Spot is a free, open-source CMS (Content Management System) for blogging platform from google. It is always helpful to get started with blogging and learn how to make money without having to invent anything. By doing SEO, people can find their blog via search engines. Google AdSense also allows for more people to make money online.

Blogger is a free web hosting service that allows you to add a custom domain to your blog. The best SEO practices for blog contents, site structure, meta HTML code, and other areas are also included. On-page optimization basics, including robot header tags, speeding up page loading speeds, and internal linking.

SEO is a way to make your website more crazy. It uses SEO best practices. We all know that Blogger does not have the necessary features or plugins. There were arguments between users of BlogSpot and WordPress.

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Both are great, but WordPress is the best blogging platform. This self-hosted platform provides the best online services platform by plugins, making it easy to optimize your blog in just a few minutes.

But, I am here to share the best SEO strategy for Blogspot blogs in 2021. This article contains all the essential BlogSpot SEO tips that will assist you in improving your blog’s SEO.

Why SEO For Blogger Blogs?

Why does BlogSpot rank need to be done? — basic SEO Settings on Blogger requires a fast step. but BlogSpot does not have enough cases on-page and off-page play an essential role in Google ranking.

On-site is the main ranking factor in BlogSpot. You know that BlogSpot is a free platform online .where people can easily open a blog. Anyone who doesn’t know to source code can open a blog, and without proper customize they went on may share contents. One cannot go to Google Fast Page Blog for not using a lot of SEO techniques to get his free blog post.

In this tutorial, follow these steps tips easy to get a ranked blogger blog on Google top.

How much do you know of blogger SEO?- Blogspot SEO Guide is information of expert for blogger platform tool that using to how much you can optimize a Blogspot blog/post to rank highly on Google – to users search intent.

BlogSpot – Search Intent Optimized Blog

Blogger is an American online blogging tool that allows multiple users to create blogs and have very time-stamped entries.

Step by step Guide to Creating a Blog on BlogSpot 

Many bloggers quickly start to build blogs after overcoming disadvantages. Then Migrate WordPress to meet the demand for their templates and post SEO friendliness.

On the blogger platform, we have published previously how to set up SEO. Today I will share with you detailed search engine optimization (SEO), tips for Blogspot blogs.

BlogSpot Pro SEO Tips and Tricks for Starter

You must first manage both on-page as well as off-page SEO when you are doing website SEO.

SEO can be divided into two types of common queries: On-Page or Off-Page. Your blog will be indexed using both on-site and offsite tips from BlogSpot (Blogger).

Advanced Technical SEO is applicable to website and blog optimization techniques that help search engine robots crawl and index the site to improve organic rankings. The most important factors are blog HTTPS, Broken Links, and blog HTTPS.

Write according to User and search Intent.

Make actionable headline structure message.

Optimize your blogger post keywords.

Improve your Blogspot loading speed for SEO.

The optimization for core web vital SEO.

Add Image Alt Attributes Before post publishes, etc.

Install SEO Friendly Template

Blogger Connect defaults to using simple themes when it is first created. It is possible to install the customized template with the help widgets. Because the Custom template theme loads lightning fast, you can make your blog more WordPress-friendly by using mobile blogger themes that load faster than WordPress.

What does it take to make a blog SEO-friendly?

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The SEO Ready Blogger Template will help you get more organic traffic to blog. This is not a general theme. You must also use a professionally designed, SEO-optimized blogger template.

Responsive Design — Responsive themes may perform better responding quickly and positively on mobile and desktop devices. So before you set up a Blogspot theme, make sure chack mobile-friendly through Google’s Mobile-friendly Test tool.

Faster Page Speed— PageSpeed blogger theme is bright of achieving the excellent / Google PageSpeed score. The fast-loading template gives us Lower bounce rates to Improved SEO.

User Engagement—  how much time User Engagement on Your Website?   how much Your satisfied visitors will experience professional web design. The AMP responsive themes Improves your structure Display and gives the best user experience.

Ads Ready Template — The very ads-optimized blogger themes perfectly placed ad compound whare this the best for advertisements, Which are very beneficial for improved earnings.

Blogspot SEO Plugin Code

Third-party plugins are the best. Bloggers don’t like plugins such as the Yoast SEOPlugin. The good news is that meta script works beautifully.

Many theme sellers do not provide complete meta tags for templates. This makes it SEO friendly and fast indexable by search engines. You can find the All In One SEO Pack below for Blogger sites. Just click the link to copy the code and paste it on your blogger template.

Copy The Following Code:

<!-- All In One SEO Pack 2021 for Blogspot By: Start --> <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;'> <title><data:blog.pageTitle/></title> <b:else/> <title><data:blog.pageName/> - <data:blog.title/></title> </b:if> <b:if cond='data:blog.metaDescription != &quot;&quot;'> <meta expr:content='data:blog.metaDescription' name='description'/> </b:if> <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;archive&quot;'> <meta content='noindex, nofollow' name='robots'/> <b:else/> <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;'> <b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl'> <meta expr:content='data:blog.title' name='keywords'/> <meta content='index, follow' name='robots'/> </b:if> <b:else/> <b:if cond='data:blog.pageTitle != data:blog.title'> <meta expr:content='data:blog.pageName' name='keywords'/> </b:if> </b:if> <meta content='GOOGLE VERIFICATION CODE' name='google-site-verification'/> <meta content='BING VERIFICATION CODE' name='msvalidate.01'/> <meta content='ALEXA VERIFICATION CODE' name='alexaVerifyID'/> <meta content='YANDEX VERIFICATION CODE' name='yandex-verification'/> <meta content='global' name='distribution'/> <meta content='1 days' name='revisit'/> <meta content='1 days' name='revisit-after'/> <meta content='document' name='resource-type'/> <meta content='all' name='audience'/> <meta content='general' name='rating'/> <meta content='all' name='robots'/> <meta content='en-us' name='language'/> <meta content='USA' name='country'/> <meta content='Facebook Insight ID here' property='fb:admins'/> <meta content='' name='twitter:site'/> <meta content='@bazzhood' name='twitter:creator'/> <meta content='bazzhood' name='author'/> <meta content='' name='email'/> </b:if> <!-- All In One SEO Pack 2018 for Blogspot By: End -->

I’ll show you how to set it up to just follow the steps below.

Step #1. Go to your Blogger dashboard.

Step #2. In the left sidebar click on “Theme”.

Step #3. Now click on Edit HTML to open your template editor.

Step #4. Now Press Ctrl + F and search for <head>

Step #5. Now paste the below mention codes below <head> in your template editor.

Step #6. Click Save button to apply changes.

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Optimize Your URL Format in Blogspot Post

Google ranks SEO-friendly URLs highly. This is why it is important to have the right structure. SEO-friendly URLs will have a shorter URL and a sweeter sound.

To ensure a consistent URL structure, always edit page URLs. Keep it simple and use your primary keyword.

Permalink is used to discover your post. For better SEO of your article, you can use custom Permalink.

Your blog’s URL, also known as the permalink, is very important for SEO. These parts should be a strong signal for your Blogspot search engine permalinks. When creating or editing your Blogspot permalink, there are some things you should remember.

Keep up short and shareable combining 60 characters

Remove Stop Words from the URL (Ex: A, An, The)

Use the main keyword with title order

The sound URL of your page, post, or role in content rank is called the permalink.

The Blogger post-editing Toolbar is used to ensure that the roles mentioned above continue to be used when writing a blog article. The published post was not editable.

You have the option to choose whether you want the blog post writing dashboard to automatically create permalinks or manually. Click the correct selection and choose the manual option to enter the URL for your post.

10+ BlogSpot SEO Tips for Every Bloggers

Use canonical Tags on Your Theme

A tag/real Canonical is a way to inform search engines about specific URLs and identify original posts. Canonical tags are useful for preventing problems caused by duplicate content or identification in multiple URLs.

Meta Tag Description for Blog Posts

You need to quickly learn meta descriptions in order to find the perfect search details. Goog

le doesn’t use keyword meta tags to rank search results.

Meta tags are text snippets that describe the content of a page. Meta tags are inserted into the theme assuming that the text you have entered appears below it.

Meta tag search descriptions are basically a description that tells search engines what a page is all about.

To increase your clickthrough rates from Google’s search results pages (SERP), learn how to write metadata.

Writing a great search description for your blog post is one of the best practices.

Keep it short and actionable for user impression.

Add on 1–2 long-tail keywords the first 50–60 characters.

Include the main keyword.

Write a different to your competitors.

These tags should be considered and include the key keywords. These tags are crucial for search engines to understand and read.

Format Blogger Post Headings

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When you write, heading tags can be very helpful to your text paragraphs. Because headings such as H1, H2, or H3 are used to organize your blog content. It is easy to understand by website visitors and users.

The H1 tag is used for blog post titles and the H2 tag to indicate post titles. Some blogger templates do not have them. These settings are not automatically created by the default

Step#1. Go to your Blogger theme editor.

Step#2. Search for H3 and change it from CSS to HTML all the H3 heading tags to H2.

Step#3. There might be 8 or 9 change it all.

lt. You will need to modify them. Follow my steps to get it done right.

To help your readers understand what your post is all about, related headings, headings and subheadings can be key. How to optimize your blog posts for SEO.

Keep Keyword Density Naturally on Blog Posts

For better ranking, a keyword with high keyword density is essential. To avoid a Google penalty, improve your ranking. Keyword stuffing will achieve over-optimization.

I try to keep my competitors within reach by using LSI keywords. Your post’s length determines the keyword density. A live content writing tool can be used to determine density.

Relevant articles should be published in the title post. Also, the post should include the primary keywords. Don’t add keywords to the search engine ranking.

Search engines use the algorithm and you need to make sure they guess your site and content. To increase traffic, you must manage search engine optimization rules.

You should use at least 2 keywords to highlight your content’s positive placement. I use one keyword in each line of my post.

Marketmuse and Frase can be used to show how important you are in content optimization.

Optimize Images for Blogger SEO

Blog posts should not include text. However, we should add images that can help explain the content of our posts. Images are not just used to beautify posts. It is important to optimize images for image SEO.

Alt text and title are important for optimizing blogger images. This will allow you to drive additional traffic from image search engines such as Google image search.

Here is an example of Image Properties when title and alt text are added to optimize images for the Blogspot post page.

10+ BlogSpot SEO Tips for Every Bloggers

Optimize your blog images. You need to pay attention to everything, including image title, alt text and image name. These things can all make a big difference in your traffic and SEO.

Internal Linking for Better SEO

Because it is a crucial part of Onpage SEO, internal links are essential. They are important in ranking posts for targeted keywords. If done correctly, there are many benefits to internal links.

First, visitors will stay on your site for a longer time if there is useful content within your posts. Your bounce rate will increase as long as your visitors continue to view your website.

Internal links have the second advantage of ranking higher in search results. Search engines will see that search engines are able to determine how valuable and important your blog content is.

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